Web Site Cover Picture 769

9th October 2023

coverpic769.jpg - 34Kb

Completion of the Yew Walk Steps
Restoration work on the Yew Walk has been progressing over the last few years and the main focus has been making safe the wall along the top. However, at the far southern end, the steps had suffered from displacement by tree roots and even a poplar tree falling across them during a storm in 2014. Initial work on the steps began last summer and it soon became apparent that the foundations were inadequate so, rather than just repair the damage, every step had to be lifted and relaid on a firmer base. Delays in sourcing the correct stone also meant that, as we were using lime mortar, we had to pause over the winter. The job was finally completed in September and we have just cleared the site to allow use of the steps to resume.
Pictured from top to bottom: Robin Gordon, Jan Gordon and Daisy Welborn

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