Web Site Cover Picture 767

25th September 2023

coverpic767.jpg - 68Kb

Remembering a Wartime Aircrash
On Saturday 23rd of September Moor Monkton village held a ceremony at All Saints Church to remember the disastrous events of the 28th of September 1943. On a training flight from RAF Lindholme, a Lancaster bomber (W4904) fell from the sky when its fuselage iced up, killing all seven crew members. The plane broke up in the air and its wreckage fell on the fields around Cockhill and Redhouse Lane. A memorial stone and plaque have been erected in the church yard.
The crew were:
SGT Lawrence Turley
SGT Martin Pearce
SGT Roger Weston
SGT Arthur Howell
FLT SGT Adam Mullen (RCAF)
SGT Douglas Brown (RCAF)
SGT Reginald Butler
A full account of the incident can be found at the Yorkshire Aircraft website.
Being surrounded by many wartime airfields, Red House was witness to several air accidents, including the documented crash of a Whitley bomber in 1941.

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